The Important question is …..

“Have You Done Your Part?”

Lyrics Of Song

The Tsunamis
From The Sea
They Swept Away Families

People Die
Many Cried
You And I Help Those Who Survived

*** Chorus ***

*** We Shall Join Our Hands All Together
To Help To Save Their Lives
If We Keep On Doing This Forever
The Homeless Will See Some Light
The Hungry Will Survive ***

We Hear Them Cry
We Know Why
Please Don’t Let This All Pass By

Homeless Kids
Hungry Eyes
Look At Them How Can They Survive?

*** Chorus ***

*** Coda ***

Have You Done Your Part?

All Copyrights © Reserved 2003. Richard HF LEE

The Thoughts Of The Composer / Producer

I am trying to connect to people by telling them to do their parts when disasters like this happen. In disasters like these, your simplest task is to connect more people telling them that something needs to be done.

If you can spare a dollar, you spare your dollar. If you cannot, just try to inform (connect) as many people as you can. After doing so, you have already fulfilled your responsibility. Leave it to those who can do their more on their parts.

Note: A lot of people out there do not realize that there are people who genuinely cannot afford to spare a dollar. They are still thriving below the subsistence level. For the less fortunate who are in this category, just do your part as a messenger to connect as many people as you can. This is all you need to do. You have already done your best in providing your service.

Come and share your experiences by joining us as members. Membership is ABSOLUTELY FREE for everybody. We appreciate your contribution of stories and experiences. Care for those who need your help.

The Tsunamis (Full Song)

<bgsound src="The Tsunamis.mp3"></bgsound>

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